The Charity sector has remained versatile and resilient despite the challenges faced since the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic last year, and reports from the Charities Aid Foundations (CAF) show that despite donor numbers remaining level year on year, total funds donated in the first half of 2020 actually saw an increase on the same period the year prior with a total of £5.4bn. This increase is expected to have come from a smaller proportion of donors who increased the value of their donations significantly across this period but nonetheless, it was positive news for the sector overall during this time.
Although there was good news for many charities last year during a time of heightened compassion and generosity, the growing demand for services of some charities in particular, meant that many still suffered as the increase in need for services was not being met with an increase in donated funds and support to reflect this demand.
The recent CAF report released in October also highlights the challenges that charities faced based on the lack of fundraising events able to take place last year such as coffee mornings and the London Marathon. This has particularly impacted ‘medical research’ charities that lost out on around £174m in the first half of last year.
In the face of these challenges, there remains great hope for charities, especially through loyal and committed donors. In their December research release ‘Charities and COVID-19’, Mail Metro Media reported that:
- 9/10 of their readers were charity donors with the vast majority donating money over their time
- Reassuringly, over 80% of these charity givers continued to give the same or more to charity as they did pre COVID-19
- The key shift was seen in who to and how they donated. Where previously readers tended to give to causes close to their heart, 1 in 2 over last year donated to COVID-19 related causes with many donating their time to help others
- The CAF research report also found there was a large increase in people giving to hospitals and hospices in the first wave
2020 research in to the Charity sector and more specifically donor behaviours all provides hope and positive news for charities, and it is as important now as ever to reach the right audience with your, or your clients’ appeal to touch the hearts of our generous nation.
With many continuing to face challenges amid the pandemic and the subsequent downturn in economic climate, spending habits and therefore means of donation are changing dramatically; namely a steep decline in cash donations, previously the UK’s preferred method of donation.
This trend is thought likely to continue as many charities are pushed to adapt their strategies to focus on cashless donation campaigns to drive digital and committed givers.
2021 will certainly present its own challenges to charities as they try to navigate the ‘new normal’ and the uncertain donor trends and behaviours that come with the uncertain economic and social landscape ahead. Without a doubt though, cashless donations, virtual events and individual online sponsorship fundraising is likely to continue to grow. It will also be interesting to understand the impact on Charity raffles and lotteries – will they also see an increase in uptake whilst people are more conscious they are not donating cash as regularly as they may have previously?
The Daily Mail General Trust group of titles continue to provide a cost effective means of reaching a high proportion of charity donors via Inserts, for which we can help from planning and booking to print and transport.
Find out more today about how we can help you reach your intended audience via a combined Door Drop, Insert and Display campaign solution.
Tel: 020 7832 1582